
Diabetes Management
The Anchor Diabetes Management Program provides individualized, high-quality, cost effective services necessary to stabilize and maintain a diabetic patient in the home environment through the incorporation of a holistic approach to disease management. This approach embraces a care management philosophy that incorporates all factors affecting the patient's well being. Included in the program are issues with regard to education management, glucose testing, diet control, exercise as well as emotional well being.
• Comprehensive patient assessment and care provided by registered nurses with training and experience in the
management of diabetes within a home care setting .
A care delivery model based on the Agency for Health Care Policy and research guidelines that incorporate a
multidisciplinary approach
Episode prevention through patient/caregiver education in:
• Self-care techniques
• Care and use of glucose meters
• Diabetic diets
• Medications - including insulin preparation and administration
• Disease process
• Outcome measurement reporting
• Functional improvement
• Decreased hospitalization/emergent care utilization
• Reduced cost of care by episode
The use of the Anchor Diabetes Management Program will ensure that the patient outcomes to care reflect a stable/controlled disease state, decreased incidence of hypo/hyperglycemia episodes, improved activity tolerance and overall well being.